High-end class A PQ analyzer and data logger, 0.2S sub-meter, residual current monitor (RCM) with 5.7" color graphic display, wide offer of additional inputs and outputs, panel mounted in 144x144mm

SMY 244 power quality analyser

SMZ 244 is a high end class 0.2S energy meter precise analyzer intended specially for use in industrial automation, smart grids and other demanding projects. It can work as a standalone unit as well as a control and display unit for other simpler slaves (see modbus master firmware module, MM). Measurement inputs are designed for CATIV/300V networks. Four voltage and four current channels are available to cover all connection scenarios with additional 2x RCM inputs for residual current monitoring. It measures and records all common parameters: frequency, line and phase voltages, currents, loads, active and reactive powers, true and displacement power factors, unbalances and up to 128 harmonics as well as the total harmonic distortion and not least the RCM. With optional SH firmware module SMZ 244 can also measure supra-harmonics in the range between 2 and 9 kHz.

It can optionally monitor power quality (with PQ-A module - inter-harmonics, flicker, voltage events), record transients (with GO module) and the ripple control signals (RCS module).

Optional relay or SSR outputs can be programmed to control other equipment based on measured values (useful for fan control, over-voltage/over-current, PQ relaying etc). Impulse outputs can also forward metered values as an S0 output. USB port provides quick, easy and reliable means for configuration and data acquisition. Optional serial or Ethernet interface (with web server, modbus TCP, SNTP, DNS, SNMP, DHCP...) allows it to be remotely managed via the ENVIS application. Firmware module is also available with support for IEC-104 substation automation protocol. In combination with ENVIS.Online service, e_get tools or embedded library (.NET core, C/C++ for Windows/Linux) its actual values can be also periodically downloaded and stored to a file or remote SQL database for further processing and analysis.